Tag: Bite Me Cairo

Bite Me Cairo: Smooth sailing

What I learned from my successive visits though, was that what La…

David Blanks

Bite Me Cairo: Once upon a time

Since then I have visited this sleek lounge/restaurant a half dozen times…

David Blanks

Bite Me Cairo: And so it goes

Consistency is always the issue, and while some restaurants have reached new…

David Blanks

Bite Me Cairo: Good days, bad days

More often than not comment cards are read carefully and you help…

David Blanks

Bite Me Cairo: Left Bank

Can you eat in Cairo the way you eat in New York…

David Blanks

Bite Me Cairo: Donburi

In Japan donburi means bowl or rice bowl dish and in Cairo…

David Blanks

Bite Me Cairo: Europe By The Sea

It was time to take a break from Egypt, so her royal…

David Blanks

Bite Me Cairo: Of Mice and Men

If you’ve been following my column these past few weeks you’ll know…

David Blanks

Bite Me Cairo: The Best of the Best – Part 2

Many hire random amateur freelancers who think that spring rolls are a…

David Blanks