HRW calls on Egypt to revoke ‘blasphemy’ article in penal code, condemns sentencing minors
The international rights observer Human Rights Watch (HRW) called on the Egyptian…
TV presenter given 5 years imprisonment for blasphemy
Court tells Islam El-Behiry he violated penal code
Renowned writer’s trial for ‘insulting Islam’ on Facebook adjourned to 29 July
Fatima Naoot called Islamic religious sacrifice of animals a "massacre"
Imprisoned journalist beaten in prison for conversion to Christianity
Lawyer submits complaint to Prosecutor General for unlawful detention and abuse
Egyptian student given prison sentence for atheist Facebook posts
Suez Canal University President personally filed legal case against student Sherif Gaber,…
HRW criticises Egypt’s ‘persecution’ of atheists following blasphemy prison sentence
Idku court verdict made international headlines in what the rights group calls…
Post-Revolution, blasphemy convictions increase – and get more personal
Once reserved for public figures, blasphemy charges now levied between friends and…
Amnesty condemns rise of blasphemy cases
Human rights group demands charges be dropped, saying they violate freedom of…
Rights groups condemn jail sentence for Coptic lawyer
Groups warn of increasing number of contempt of religion cases, calling it…
ANHRI: Blasphemy and insult charges most common freedom of expression violations
Report says Lebanon and Mauritania saw least violations, while Saudi Arabia and…