Tag: border

Sinai responds to Al-Sisi’s call

Two dead and eight injured in the latest attacks in Sinai

Nouran El-Behairy

Army uncovers fuel smuggling in Sinai tunnels

Hundreds attempt to cross the Rafah border through tunnels

Daily News Egypt

Rafah border crossing partially reopened

Crossing was closed for several days after the ouster of former president…

Hend Kortam

Conflicting accounts of Sinai checkpoint storming

Accounts differ as to the sequence of events leading to the incident…

Nouran El-Behairy

Security checkpoint in Sheikh Zewaid attacked

Unknown assailants open fire near Second Field Army commander

Nouran El-Behairy

Rafah border crossing reopens

Border security members end their sit-in upon news of the release of…

Emily Crane

Convoy heads to Rafah to commemorate Nakba

‘Crowds on the Borders’ convoy hold a press conference in solidarity with…

Nouran El-Behairy

Armed Forces Chief of Staff visits Sudan

Sedki Sobhi attends meetings in Khartoum on military relations between Egypt and…

Joel Gulhane

Syrian planes bomb Lebanon border area: army source

A Lebanese security services official on the ground confirmed that four missiles…

Daily News Egypt

New clashes erupt in Tunisian town near Libya

Ben Guerdane, around 30km from the border, has witnessed sporadic unrest since…

Daily News Egypt