Tag: cairo

Egypt reacts to Ethiopia dam announcement

Egyptian government is proceeding with caution in addressing construction of Ethiopia’s Grand…

Luiz Sanchez Luiz Sanchez

Cultural committee demands arts budget reduction

Cairo Opera House’s budget for foreign expertise might witness a reduction.

Daily News Egypt Daily News Egypt

Aida El-Ayoubi returns to welcoming audiences

Last Sunday, Egyptian singer and oud player Aida El Sayoubi gave her…

Daily News Egypt Daily News Egypt

Diet House: Eat healthy fast food and lose weight

The missing link between healthy and fast food finally found

Daily News Egypt Daily News Egypt

Veiled Reality exhibition explores current realities

new exhibition addresses the state of denial and indifference experienced in Arab…

Thoraia Abou Bakr Thoraia Abou Bakr

Cairo participates in global protests against Monsanto

Monsanto holds patents for 674 seed varieties, often suing small local farmers…

Luiz Sanchez Luiz Sanchez

Summer fun in the city: Nine things to do around Cairo

Cairo has a lot to offer on summer days, so here are…

Thoraia Abou Bakr Thoraia Abou Bakr

Al-Azhar to send convoys to combat extremism

Grand Iman Ahmad Al-Tayeb announces convoys to be sent throughout Egypt to…

Emily Crane Emily Crane

‘I don’t like cricket… I love it!’

The ‘gentleman’s sport’: Cricket is contested in an annual competitive league

Joel Gulhane Joel Gulhane

New exhibition Intimacy is well worth visiting

New exhibition forms a connection between the viewer and paintings through various…

Thoraia Abou Bakr Thoraia Abou Bakr