Explosion near military intelligence building in Sharqeya
Four soldiers injured by car bomb explosion
Protest and clashes at Al-Azhar University continue
Clashes continue inside university despite semester exams and MOI warnings
Declaration of MB as a terrorist organisation met with mixed reactions
Muslim Brotherhood calls for “week of anger” protests
Nasr City explosions highly deplorable: MB spokeswoman
Five injuries; MOI claims another bomb had been defused
Judge recuses himself from Al-Galad’s trial
The former editor-in-chief, journalist and counsellor were referred to court after allegedly…
New evidence submitted in Cairo University student case
The student’s mother claims she submitted videos which incriminate police forces in…
Muslim Brotherhood university protests have failed: Minister of Higher Education
University students continue to protest
Mahmoud Abbas to visit Egypt
The top Palestinian official met with the Egyptian Ambassador on Tuesday ahead…