Tag: Central Bank of Egypt

Analysts expect EGX to move sideways awaiting CBE’s decision on interest

Bourse awaits Banque du Caire placement, following approval to list its EGP…

Daily News Egypt Daily News Egypt

Export Development Bank to increase small and midsize enterprises portfolio to EGP 5bn in 2019

The mortgage portfolio of the bank amounts to EGP 10m, and we…

Hossam Mounir Hossam Mounir

Dollar falls to its lowest level in two months, settles below EGP 18

Banks see clients disposing USD, further decline in the pipeline, says chairperson…

Hossam Mounir Hossam Mounir

Usage of cards abroad dropped by 55% following flotation: CBE

Egyptians usage of cards abroad dropped by a value of $223m in…

Hossam Mounir Hossam Mounir

Net foreign purchases of T-bills jump to $1.15bn in January

Foreign investments in debt instruments is one of the most important sources…

Hossam Mounir Hossam Mounir

$4.5bn net inflows received by CBE in January 2017: official

Difficult reforms have been taken already, no intention to raise field prices…

Mohamed Ayyad Mohamed Ayyad

CBE launches initiative to renovate floating hotels and tourism fleets with EGP 5bn, 10% interest

The Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) launched an initiative to subsidise the…

Hossam Mounir Hossam Mounir

Banks operating in Egypt record EGP 56bn net profits in 2016: CBE

The Egyptian banking sector is powerful and capable of overcoming the effects…

Hossam Mounir Hossam Mounir

Egyptian remittances amount to $4.6bn in Q4 2016: CBE

Total remittances sent home from Egyptians working abroad rose during the period…

Hossam Mounir Hossam Mounir