Tag: constitution

Final vote on constitution

A busy week separates the first phase and second phase of voting…

Liliana Mihaila

Egyptians stand in line for the referendum

Citizens set on casting their vote on the draft constitution

Liliana Mihaila

What’s after the referendum?

Experts explain the next steps following the forthcoming results of the constitutional…

Liliana Mihaila

ElBaradei addresses the nation

ElBaradei called on people to vote 'No' one day ahead of the…

Laurence Underhill

Women’s group supports student’s right to protest

NCW defends young student after she was questioned by Ministry of Education…

Sara Abou Bakr

Women’s group rejects referendum

Demonstrators express disapproval of draft constitution and referendum in Giza

Liliana Mihaila

Administrative Court challenges referendum

Irregularities within referendum procedure have led to calls for its suspension

Liliana Mihaila

Secretary general of elections committee resigns

Head of committee overseeing referendum resigns for “health reasons”

Liliana Mihaila

Shape up or ship out

Dr. H.A. Hellyer: Shape up or ship out

Fady Salah

Sweet revenge sours

Philip Whitfield: Sweet revenge sours

Fady Salah