Tag: COVID-19

Opinion| Look ahead, but do not forget to look back

This seems the more important as the worldwide novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic…

Jan Thesleff

Opinion| Towards a post-COVID-19 world

Our economy has suffered a big blow, the current rate of job…

Ramón Gil-Casares

Opinion| The Embassy of Switzerland in Egypt against COVID-19

Even while drafting our cooperation programme 2021-2024 we had to adapt its…

Paul Garnier

Opinion| COVID-19 and the impacts on tourism

‎Modern tourism is closely linked to development and encompasses a growing number‎…

Said El Batouty

Poor paediatric diabetes control tied to higher COVID-19 complications, death risk

Findings can help families make decisions about in-person schooling

Daily News Egypt

Opinion| What should be our priorities now and over the next 15 years?

The 14th-century Arab historian Ibn Khaldun wrote that the past resembles the…

Han-Maurits Schaapveld

Opinion| Egypt: Post-COVID-19 Challenges

Egypt is the only Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region country…

Garbis Iradian

Opinion| Women at the centre of COVID-19 response

And COVID-19 will continue to have far-reaching impact on the hard-won gender…

Christine Arab

Opinion| In the face of challenges, we need to work together

The UK is leading the charge. My government wants both to build…

Sir Geoffrey Adams

Opinion| For a Post-COVID world assuring Human Security, leaving no one behind

However sad, I was fortunate to be comforted by many kind words…

Noke Masaki