Tag: Culture

Yummy yams

It is autumn. The batatas are back.

Daily News Egypt

Movie previews

Looper, The Possession, and Here Comes The Boom

Daily News Egypt

AUC revives Ismailia film festival “days”

Films were chosen on the basis of their relationship to the Egyptian…

Daily News Egypt

New arrivals

New book arrivals in Cairo’s bookstores

Adel Heine

Hidden Treasures in the delta

San Al Hagar has not revealed its archaeological secrets yet

Daily News Egypt

Jumia: customer always comes first

The website acts like a grand store for everything a customer might…

Daily News Egypt

“Oil and Sand,” Egypt’s pre-coup royal home movie

The film is a glimpse into history, said Sabit, pointing out that…

Daily News Egypt

Photo Gallery: The circus is in town

CirCairo 2012 opened with dazzling performances in front of the Abdeen Palace…

Daily News Egypt

No strangers in the land of Egypt

The long history of Jews in the Nile Valley

Daily News Egypt

The Islamic civilization quest

As Islamic discourses become mainstream in several Muslim countries, one wonders what…

Mustafa Salama