Minor sentenced to 7 years in prison on protest charges
In recent developments, three students were referred to military court in Mansoura
Verdict to be delivered on Al Jazeera retrial in July
Case also involves students, including Sohaib Al-Haddad who was forcibly disappeared with…
In Pictures: Prosecutor General injured in Heliopolis explosion
Explosive device was planted in Barakat’s security vehicle outside his residence, say…
IDF seizes Gaza Freedom Flotilla
Flotilla is second such attempt to break the blockade on Gaza
Worries over detained Shawkan’s health, family plan Press Syndicate sit-in
Syndicate head says he will follow up on case of photojournalist detained…
Family of detained journalist El-Battawy begin sit-in at Press Syndicate
El-Battawy stands accused of belonging to an illegal organisation
Al-Ahd: A dramatic battle to win the throne
The characters’ brutal fight over the throne plus their super natural powers…
TV drama show highlights Jewish life in Egypt
“Haret Al-Yehudd” (Jewish Quarter) is a series being aired on several government-…
Prosecutor General injured in Heliopolis explosion
‘Giza Popular Resistance’ claims the attack, Barakat’s condition is stable
Fantasy takes over Egyptian drama in Ramadan series
By Rana Khaled The yearly marathon of Ramadan series has started, raising…