Tag: Daily News Egypt

Bites Fil Beit: Spaghetti bel gambari – Spaghetti with shrimp

We love food. We love the real, down to earth, tried-and-tested, handed-down-through-the-generations,…

Iman Adel Abdel-Fattah

Turkish heads meet to discuss Egypt

Turkey's president, PM, Foreign minister, meet to discuss latest developments in Egypt

Fady Ashraf

What went wrong in Egypt?

What really went wrong in Egypt was how rigid its politics became,…

Ziad A. Akl

What is happening in Egypt?

Vendettas live on in Egypt, writes Sara Abou Bakr

Sara Abou Bakr

Al-Jihadeya Al-Salafeya leader Al-Zawahiri captured

Al-Zawahiri was captured in a checkpoint in the Giza governorate

Mostafa Salem

Deadly clashes in Ramses Square

Demonstrators use Al-Fatah Mosque in Cairo as morgue/hospital, refuse to leave.

Mostafa Salem

Foreign ministry to the world: Egypt is experiencing terrorist attacks

Egypt recalls ambassadors amid violent political crisis

Joel Gulhane

Tamarod aims to ban US aid and cancel Camp David peace treaty

New campaign "to revive national sovereignty"

Fady Ashraf

Ministry of Interior account hacked

Ministry of Interior official Twitter account out of the ministry's control

Fady Ashraf

Over 1,000 arrested following clashes

Ministry of Interior releases report of Friday’s events

Daily News Egypt