Revolutionary Socialist students detained
Nine high school students captured while calling for commemorating the Mohamed Mahmoud…
DEPCO offers Al-Gamil 30% share in funding rights for new Damietta freight station
DEPCO offered Al-Gamil 30% share of the project, 15% of which would…
Damietta Port to purchase EGP400m dredger to boost wharf efficiency
The Ministry of Transport had previously put forth suggestions to create a…
New gas discovery in North Damietta
BP discovers gas in Salamat well in the East Nile Delta
Clashes between residents and pro-Morsi supporters in Damietta
Freedom and Justice Party: Marches break out in Damietta rejecting the “bloody…
In Pictures: Pro-Morsi march cut off
March in Damietta blocked by local residents
Pro-Morsi protests lead to clashes in governorates
Two killed in Qaliubiya; clashes in Mansoura and Damietta
Health Ministry: 11 dead and 516 injured at rallies on Wednesday
Brotherhood publish different figures accusing army and “Tamarod thugs”
Al-Jamaa Al-Islamiya organises nationwide demonstrations
Mass protests planned nationwide in 11 different governorates in support of President…
Anti-Morsi protests throughout country
Thousands of people rallied against President Morsi on Friday in several governorates.