Tag: Dar Al-Ifta

Retribution outside the realm of law is ‘not permissible’: Dar Al-Ifta

The institution responsible for issuing fatwas says religious scholars unanimously view this…

Daily News Egypt

Grand Mufti advisor condemns Al-Baghdadi’s threats to Egypt

"Terrorists are deceiving their followers by the illusion of the Caliphate", says…

Menna Zaki

Shoukry meets UN envoy to Iraq

Two officials discuss Iraq’s “security and stability”

Adham Youssef

Egypt’s Mufti condemns storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque

Foreign ministry issued similar condemnation last week

Daily News Egypt

Kerry, Shoukry define Egypt’s role in fight against ISIS

Egypt’s religious institutions play important role in fight against ISIS, says Kerry

Daily News Egypt

Dar Al-Ifta condemns American satirist’s comments on Islam

Bill Maher and co-host Sam Harris referred to Islam as "the mother…

Menna Zaki

Criminal acts distort the image of Islam: Grand Mufti’s consultant

Ibrahim Nigm criticises foreign media rhetoric on religion

Daily News Egypt

Grand Mufti visits EU council to rectify image of Islam

Dar Al-Ifta criticises use of term ‘Islamic State’ in reference to “terrorist…

Daily News Egypt

Dar Al-Ifta slams ‘barbaric’ American journalist beheading

Steven Sotloff became second American journalist ISIS killed by beheading

Adham Youssef

Dar Al-Ifta legitimises peaceful protest

Statement by Islamic institution stresses the sanctity of life, calls for national…

Daily News Egypt