Tag: day

Women and their day

On 8 March 1857, thousands of women went out to protest on…

Mohamed Samir

In Video: The Nubian world day celebration

https://youtu.be/nMssSSLxxBE   Video by Asmaa Gamal

Daily News Egypt

Health ministry awards 400 nurses on International Nursing Day

Nursing Rebel Movement denounces the syndicate and ministry’s negligence to their demands

Menan Khater

Sexual harassment still pervasive in Egypt, despite new law

25 November is international day for the elimination of violence against women

Menan Khater

International Volunteer Day Event

An NGO Fair, Book Fair, youth activities, youth play performance as well…

Daily News Egypt

Morsy drops farmers’ debts

Addressing his audience of fellaheen (farmers), President Mohamed Morsy echoed former President…

Islam Serour