Tag: DNE

CollabFeature: the best of all worlds

A new way to help independent filmmakers support each other: making a…

Adel Heine

Al-Saed Al-Ferghani

Al-Ferghani was a renowned Christian architect during the rule of the mighty…

Abdel-Rahman Sherief

Life continues at the Book Fair

Life at the Cairo Book Fair is going on as normal

Daily News Egypt

Conjuring the demon

Morsy, you are now face to face with those who have lost…

Rana Allam


The genius of turning the Black Bloc into the new enemy is…

Mahmoud Salem

Photo Gallery: Same day different rage

Second anniversary of the Friday of Rage sees more fighting on the…

Daily News Egypt

Review: Columnists criticise presidency and violence

Opinion writers have condemned the presidency for its passive reaction towards the…

Daily News Egypt

Opposition rejects Morsy’s call for dialogue

Held Morsy responsible for the deaths of at least 40 people, demanded…

Ahmed Aboulenein

Seventeen arrested in Alexandria on Sunday

Number of arrests on the rise as clashes resume for the fourth…

Rana Muhammad Taha

Operations in Port Said freezone suspended

Port Said has been suffering shortages of foods and fuel after security…

Hend El-Behary