5 journalists killed, more than 80 arrested in last 2 months
Reporters Without Borders decries continued targeting of journalists
Constituent Assembly make-up draws mixed reactions
Islamists decry lack of sufficient representation in amending constitution
Latest casualty from August clashes
6 April member died after sustaining injuries on 14 August
53 arrested after security forces campaign
Official Facebook statement by the Interior Ministry announces the capture of Muslim…
General Prosecution refers Morsi to Criminal Court
Former president referred with others regarding Presidential Palace clashes
Religious channel shut down
A court ruling called for the permanent closure of ultra-conservative Al-Hafez satellite…
Qorsaya residents appeal military zone
State Commissioner’s report recommends revoking decision to turn island into military zone
Curfew café culture
While traveling across town was restricted by the curfew, inside neighbourhoods cafés…
Gazwareen: The art of driftwood
Driftwood makes for unique and beautiful furniture at Gazwareen