Tag: DNE


Was the issuing of an arrest warrant for Bassem Youssef meant to…

H.A. Hellyer

Egypt lifts cooking gas prices, why it’s trivial

By Farah Halime How fitting that on April Fool’s Day, the Egyptian…

Daily News Egypt

El-Araby: Foreign investment in the Arab world drops 37.4%

Main contributing factor to rising unemployment was the inability of governments to…

Daily News Egypt

Intesa Sanpaolo group achieves €1.6bn net profits in 2012

CEO: Group’s strategy focuses on strengthening liquidity and funding capacity

Daily News Egypt

The delights of Khamaseen

In Egypt, spring brings more than flowers and bees, it brings the…

Thoraia Abou Bakr

Contemporary art set to take over Downtown

The second edition of the Downtown Contemporary Arts Festival (D-CAF) starts on…

Adel Heine

Strange Days…

Think tankers and policy researchers working on Egypt in the States do…

Mahmoud Salem

Reactionary not progressive: Egypt’s economic policy

By Farah Halime In a desperate move to save power, Egypt’s international…

Daily News Egypt

Albania signs agreements with Egypt

Albanian foreign minister Edmond Panariti met with high-level government officials to discuss…

Luiz Sanchez

Thales Group wins Cairo-Alexandria railway upgrade

French company granted rights to install electric signals at an estimated cost…

Daily News Egypt