Doctors’ Syndicate decries ongoing assaults against doctors
Syndicate officials sent a letter to Prime Minister Sherif Ismail and parliament…
El Nadeem Centre seeks Doctors Syndicate’s support following closure attempt
The syndicate responded to a complaint from El Nadeem by calling on…
Doctors Syndicate recognises new health insurance bill amendments
The syndicate reiterated its call for further amendments to the bill ahead…
Doctors Syndicate demands further amendment of health insurance bill
Implementation of new health insurance system will soon come into effect, says…
Health minister refers Doctors Syndicate board member to investigation
Shawky is accused of enforcing syndicate assembly’s free healthcare decision
Health ministry ramps up pressure to reject free healthcare decisions
The Doctors Syndicate is set to hold a new assembly to demand…
Conflict intensifies between Doctors Syndicate and Health Ministry
Doctors plan to protest in front of public hospitals on 12, 19…
Press Syndicate protest demands rights for detained journalists
Head of syndicate’s Freedoms Committee suspends sit-in as Interior Ministry allows medical…
Detention of detained doctor and his flatmates extended by 45 days
Taher Mokhtar was targeted due to his work with vulnerable social groups,…
Health Ministry impugns Doctors Syndicate’s free health care claims
The ministry stated patients visited hospitals as usual on second day of…