Tag: Dostour Party

Dostour party member released on EGP 5,000 bail

Abdelazeem was charged with disturbing national security, publishing false news on Facebook

Daily News Egypt

Ashraf Shehata defence lawyer calls on NCHR to officially investigate his disappearance

After two years of disappearance, similarity in names causes controversy on defendant’s…

Daily News Egypt

Shura Council protest dispersals show ‘continuation of an oppressive state’: Misr Al Qaweya Party

Political groups denounce the attack on peaceful protests and call for the…

AbdelHalim H. AbdAllah

Khaled Dawoud’s alleged assailant to face trial

Al-Dostour Party spokesman was assaulted earlier this month by a group of…

Hend Kortam

Al-Dostour Party defends ElBaradei, NSF spokesperson resigns

Al-Dostour Party calls attacks on ElBaradei “a smear campaign,” as NSF spokesperson…

Manar Mohsen

In Pictures: Pro-Morsi march cut off

March in Damietta blocked by local residents

Mohamad Nagi

Sporadic clashes at nationwide marches

Protest clashes leave over a dozen dead, several hundred injured in nationwide…

Mohamad Nagi

Al-Dostour Party leading members arrested

Three members of the Al-Dostour Party in Aswan were arrested and beaten…

Daily News Egypt

Al-Dostour could ally with moderate Islamists

Alliance between ElBaradei’s party and Strong Egypt Party and Egypt Party yet…

Liliana Mihaila