Tag: Dr H A Hellyer

Despite delay, EU mission will observe presidential election

EU Election Observer Mission decide to move forward with full election observation…

Joel Gulhane

My Friend, Bassem Sabry: One of the good people

"Why is it that all the good people die in this country?"…

H.A. Hellyer

The New Year

On New Year’s Day, the Dar al-Ifta’ al-Misriyyah declared that 13 January…

H.A. Hellyer

Maybe time for the MB?

A political accommodation needs to be created with regards to the Muslim…

H.A. Hellyer

The responsibility of opposition

For months, from these pages and elsewhere, I have written a rather…

H.A. Hellyer

Military intervention and Egypt’s future

The military may be coming – and it seems like everyone knows…

H.A. Hellyer

“The Revolution continues”: No longer a slogan

When the crowds swelled in the Square of Liberation in January 2011,…

H.A. Hellyer

Tahrir Squared: the discussion continues

There is no stopping the train, and it is important to do…

H.A. Hellyer

Shape up or ship out

Dr. H.A. Hellyer: Shape up or ship out

Fady Salah

The nurseries: a dutiful father goes AWOL for Arabic

When my wife and I were choosing nurseries in Cairo, we wanted,…

H.A. Hellyer