EBRD provides $100m to Savola’s United Sugar Company of Egypt
EBRD recently signed several loans and agreements with the Egyptian government, companies…
SVI addresses IFC, EBRD, NBE to contribute to venture capital fund
The Ministry of Communications expressed its support for the company's initiative to…
Audi Bank-Egypt EBRD sign $30 loan agreement to support SMEs in Egypt
The ERBD will use the loan to further its strategy in Egypt…
EBRD to provide $ 260m in direct financing to SMEs in 2016
EBRD aims to provide greater access to financing through domestic banks’ branch…
EBRD continues supporting Egypt’s efforts to attract FDI in 2016
Egypt is important for EBRD, ranks number 4 in terms of investment…
EU grants €32m for wastewater expansion project in Egypt
500,000 inhabitants in 79 villages in Kafr El-Sheikh to benefit from the…
Sahar Nasr signs €100m metro deal with EBRD
Deal signed at Mega Projects conference will include 13 new metro cars
EBRD remains committed to Egypt, SMEs
EBRD presents its products to Assuit’s business community
EBRD allocates $500m for Egypt’s solar programme
Programme targets production of 2,000 MW with 40 projects of approximately 50…
EBRD allocates €1bn to support SMEs automotive sector
FEI to request parliament to contribute to economy reform in collaboration with…