Doula, the woman who serves
The Greek word doula literally means ‘a woman who serves’. It is…
Sewage system put on hold
Beni-Soueif governorate stalls sewage-system-building project after the January 25 uprising
Mohamed Morsi wins
The candidate from the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party becomes the…
Egypt’s Foreign Aid under examination
Political Vacuum in Egypt leads to Foreign Aid Negotiations
Women in Colour
The new series of paintings by Mariam Mourad Abdelmesih is a tribute…
Morsi and Shafiq campaigns meet with PEC to discuss appeals
Brotherhood claims “Morsi is definitely the president, appeals not enough to affect…
Women who harness the wind
The group of girls kiting together, all wearing bright pink lycras was…
Changing rural Egypt with a smelly bucket
Piles of straw, buckets of water, pitchforks of manure and more where…
The Game of Thrones
Despite everything, Egyptians do survive. And mind you, they learned to say…