Tag: environment

Life in the shadow of a cement factory

Mostafa Ghazal says both his home and his family's health have been…

Menan Khater

Soil: An undervalued resource

Ever more land is being covered by concrete, deforested, farmed, over-fertilised or…

Deutsche Welle

Indpendent scientists warn over Monsanto pesticide

Two major agencies disagree over whether the world's most-used pesticide, glyphosate, is…

Deutsche Welle

5 best climate change articles for the layperson

Covering economy, society, science and industry, these essays represent some of the…

Deutsche Welle

COP21: China’s climate efforts far from sufficient

China is one of the biggest polluters in the world. The Asian…

Deutsche Welle

UN: 2015 on track to be the hottest year ever

The UN weather agency has said that this year will likely be…

Deutsche Welle

Full impacts from Brazil’s largest environmental disaster still not known

After a breached mine tailings dam released a torrent of toxic mud…

Deutsche Welle

An ‘unfavorable environment’ for female scientists

Teams of female scientists tend to pursue different questions than teams of…

Deutsche Welle

Environmental activists aim to eliminate use of coal

Coal use was recently approved in seven cement factories in Egypt

Menan Khater

Pope addresses the UN, prays at 9/11 memorial

In his speech to the UN General Assembly, Pope Francis has called…

Deutsche Welle