Tag: ethiopia

Ethiopia shows no political will for reaching GERD agreement: Shoukry 

Egypt’s Foreign Minister criticises “hostile rhetoric” of his Ethiopian counterpart

Daily News Egypt

Ethiopia must understand River Nile is Egypt’s lifeline: Al-Sisi

Resorting to UNSC means Egypt rose red flag to international community Ethiopia…

Fatma Lotfi

601 Egyptians repatriated from US, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia

Emigration Ministry collects data from repatriated Egyptian workers for their potential involvement…

Daily News Egypt

No Breakthrough in GERD talks: Egypt’s Irrigation Minister

Ethiopia objects proposal to refer GERD talks to prime ministers of the…

Sarah El-Sheikh

Egypt could lodge complaint to UNSC over Ethiopia’s obstinacy on GERD: Shoukry

Another round of tripartite talks held Monday over disputed points

Daily News Egypt

Ethiopian obstinacy caused GERD negotiations failure: Irrigation Ministry Spokesperson 

Ethiopian document is attempt to establish a fait accompli, says Sebaey

Daily News Egypt

Ethiopia backtracks from previous understandings in 3rd meeting on GERD

Egypt and Sudan expressed their reservation to the Ethiopia proposals, stress need…

Mohamed Samir

Sudan to hold bilateral meetings on GERD negotiations with Egypt, Ethiopia

Sudan’s Irrigation Minister spoke about Sudan’s GERD letter sent to Security Council

Sarah El-Sheikh