Tag: Europe

Visa-free travel for eastern Europe, but with a lot of question marks

The EU Commission has recommended visa-free travel for the citizens of Georgia…

Deutsche Welle

Chinese investors home in on Germany

Chinese investors have said they're interested in stepping up their activities in…

Deutsche Welle

Young people vote far-right in Europe

In the European Union, which was founded upon ideals of democracy and…

Deutsche Welle

When Charlie Chaplin imitated Adolf Hitler

Premiering 75 years ago, it was the first major Hollywood production that…

Deutsche Welle

Why Hajo Jahn struggled for 25 years to create a center for persecuted artists

Journalist Hajo Hahn has spent a third of his life fighting to…

Deutsche Welle

Obstacles discussed at Egypt Automotive summit

Several investment plans by Nissan are on hold due to foreseen risks, …

Menna Samir

Sigma Capital to raise issued capital to EGP 100m in 2016

Two IPOs to be launched in pharmaceuticals and construction sectors by mid…

Menna Samir

The Balkan route to Western Europe for Yugoslavia guns

Many weapons on Europe's black market come via the Balkans. The terrorists…

Deutsche Welle

EU border controls ‘have to remain an exception’

In the wake of the Paris attacks, some EU leaders have spoken…

Deutsche Welle

People looking to enter the EU can buy fake Syrian passports on social media

Amid a growing refugee crisis and an influx of asylum seekers, people…

Deutsche Welle