Tag: european union

Mansour in Greece as part of first EU trip

Egypt and Greece seeking to enhance political and economic relations

Daily News Egypt

EU ministers discuss post-referendum Egypt

Foreign ministers congratulate Egyptians on referendum but express concerns over political climate

Joel Gulhane

UN, US, EU weigh in on Egyptian referendum

Ban Ki-moon, others urge peace

Aaron T. Rose

Hagel and Ashton voice concern over arrest, government restrictions

US Secretary of Defence Chuck Hagel calls Al-Sisi and expresses concern over…

Basil El-Dabh

Government launches call for proposals funded by EU for projects to improve informal areas

A €20m grant scheme funded by the EU is a part of…

Daily News Egypt

UK restores 24 arms export licenses to Egypt

UK restores previously revoked licenses and increases support for Egyptian airport security

Joel Gulhane

EU seeks comment on Google’s latest anti-trust remedies

Google, under anti-trust investigation since 2010, submitted new proposals in September which…

Daily News Egypt

EU Foreign Ministers discuss cooperation with Egypt in governance

EU foreign affairs chief presents report on recent visit to Egypt and…

Joel Gulhane

Egypt on EU Foreign Affairs Council main agenda

EU foreign ministers will meet to discuss Egyptian and Syrian situations in…

Mostafa Salem

EU delegation to Egypt organises research seminar

Seminar focuses on supporting research and innovation in organisations to boost their…

Daily News Egypt