Tag: films

Movie Previews

We preview the movies in cinema so that you would know what…

Daily News Egypt

ALFILM festival calls for submissions

Film festival in Germany creates a platform for Arab films

Daily News Egypt

The International Ismailia Film Festival returns to AUC

The AUC gives Cairenes the chance to view the participating films of…

Thoraia Abou Bakr

Arab women feature in Ana Hunna

The initiative shines a light on women's issues and their role in…

Daily News Egypt

New in the movies

We preview the movies in cinema so that you would know what…

Daily News Egypt

Movie previews

We preview the movies in cinema so that you would know what…

Daily News Egypt

‘React’ is changing education

Student initiative aims to close the gap between education and the needs…

Abdel-Rahman Sherief

New at the movies

If you are staying in town for the long weekend, take advantage…

Thoraia Abou Bakr

Cinema El Fourn showcases short films

Darb 1718 screens a collection of intriguing shorts from several countries

Thoraia Abou Bakr

Contemporary art set to take over Downtown

The second edition of the Downtown Contemporary Arts Festival (D-CAF) starts on…

Adel Heine