Tag: Gamma Islamiya

THE REEL ESTATE: Far away in the land of boredom

January is increasingly becoming one of the slowest months for movies. This…

Joseph Fahim

Undermining the 'objet d'art' in Cairo's mind

The Art Object, or objet d'art, once the foundation upon which all…

Rania Khalil

Could-be president makes outstanding citizen-conductor

Music conductor Enrique Bátiz's father had different plans for him; he wanted…

Chitra Kalyani

The dreamy fragrances of Marie-Claire

It's somehow difficult to categorize Al-Habib Al-Salmy's novel "Rawayeh Marie-Claire (The Scents…

Daily News Egypt

The one and the many

Palestinian writer Maliha Maslamani's new play, scheduled to be performed at Cairo's…

David Stanford

Interpol arrests antiquities smuggler

CAIRO: A notorious antiquities dealer was arrested by the Interpol in Bulgaria…

Daily News Egypt

Disputed Holocaust memoir could reappear as fiction

A Holocaust survivor s memoir of love in a Nazi concentration camp,…

Daily News Egypt

Subdued Sundance predicted as festival opens today

The 25th Sundance Film Festival gets underway Thursday with more than 100…


Maadi's Kotob Khan joins publishing bandwagon

In recent years, Egypt's publishing houses have started to invest in harvesting…

Daily News Egypt

Indonesian president launches third music album

JAKARTA: Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has launched his third music album…