Tag: Gamma Islamiya

Rowdy audiences result in heavy metal ban

El-Sawy Cultural Center takes a break from hard rockCAIRO: Much to the…

Daily News Egypt

The Cairo Tower is both hated and loved, by foreigners and Egyptians alike

CAIRO: It was built in order to shame and later on it…

Daily News Egypt

Marina Rayih Gey documents what the young and fashionable are up to this summer

CAIRO: The summer heat of the city drives most people out of…

Farah El Alfy

Sulaf Fawakhergy on a hike to local stardom

While commercial billboards feature her picture, the actress is looking for "quality…

Sarah El Sirgany

Learning to appreciate Egypt all over again

CAIRO: If the oppressive heat and maddening crowds are leaving Cairo's image…

Daily News Egypt

SAHRA stage a show of support

CAIRO: Tonight, head over to El Sawy Culture Center for an evening…

Daily Star Egypt Staff

Living in the age of "Katkout"

An inane celluloid portrait of modern Egyptian man? Mohamed Saad is a…

Joseph Fahim

Festival reflects state of Egyptian theater

El Sawy Theater Festival offers platform for all to try their hand…

Daily News Egypt

Present and Tense: Bomb me!

CAIRO: The Americans are trying to bomb me. Out of courtesy, they…

Nabil Shawkat

Egypt through the eyes of an artist

Anna s Egypt: An Artist s JourneyBy Anna BoghiguianThe American University in…

Aida Nassar