Tag: Gamma Islamiya

Sympathy for the Devil

CAIRO: My interest in Hitler and the Nazi-era Germany stemmed from one…

Joseph Fahim

The winding journey of The Constant Gardener

CAIRO: For decades, Africa s role in Hollywood was restricted to a…

Joseph Fahim

Two U.S. films draw ire of Arab censors

DUBAI: Two Oscar-winning U.S. films have caused headaches for government censors in…

Daily Star Egypt Staff

Arab film festival in NY is shouting to be heard

NEW YORK: More than 30 movies from the Arab and Muslim world…

Daily Star Egypt Staff

A global citizen for the new epoch

CAIRO: In a world of hyper-globalization and the idea of a clash…

Joseph Mayton

Remembering Ramses

CAIRO: The founder of ancient Egypt; the son of the Sun god…

Farah El Alfy

WWW World

The Other White Househttp://www.whitehouse.org/This is not the official site of the White…

Daily News Egypt

Life in rural Egypt

CAIRO: Abdel Hakim Kasem s Ayam El Ensan EL Sabaa (The Seven…

Daily News Egypt

The place I call home

CAIRO: Tamer Ezzat suddenly realized that most of his family and friends…

Sarah El Sirgany

Love, war and redemption in the European Film Caravan

CAIRO: Film festivals have become a haven for us, the film fans,…

Joseph Fahim