Tag: Georgia

Putin’s new war, old foes

As Russia embarks on an anti-"Islamic State" bombing campaign in Syria, President…

Deutsche Welle

Speech of the Ambassador of Georgia HE Mr Archil Dzuliashvili

By HE Mr Archil Dzuliashvili The following is the speech given by the…

Daily News Egypt

Reforms in action by the new government of Georgia

By Archil DZULIASHVILI In October 2012 parliamentary elections were held in Georgia. It…

Daily News Egypt

Georgia prison scandal highlights widespread torture

Georgia’s president vows to eradicate torture after videos depicting rape and torture…

Luiz Sanchez

Georgia moves ahead – but the 2008 war consequences remain to be dealt with

By Grigol Vashadze, Foreign Minister of Georgia In August 2008, thousands of…

Daily News Egypt