Tag: HRW

CIHRS appeals to President Al-Sisi ‘to prevent disaster’

NGO registration deadline extended for 45 days, as demanded by rights groups

Menna Zaki

NGO registration deadline extended, as demanded by rights groups

Rights groups given 45 day extension to ministry registration or face legal…

Daily News Egypt

Egyptian government responds to HRW Rabaa report

Egyptian government questions accuracy and timing of the Human Rights Watch Rabaa…

Jihad Abaza

Interior Ministry says HRW was told to postpone visit

HRW top staff set to release report on Rabaa Al-Adaweya dispersal turned…

Hend Kortam

HRW to release report on Rabaa, despite denial of staff’s entry into Egypt

This is the first time ever for HRW staff to be refused…

Hend Kortam

Egypt denies Human Right Watch heads entry ahead of Rabaa report

Hundreds of people were killed during the dispersal of pro-Morsi protest last…

Daily News Egypt

First Israeli death recorded after Palestinian death toll exceeds 200

Reports by UN body and human rights watchdog show violations of international…

Hend Kortam

Minya death sentences ‘a staggering violation of international human rights’: UN

Largest confirmed death sentence in Egypt's history continues to draw international condemnation

Ali Omar

Renewed detention of anti-Protest Law demonstrators condemned

Rights organisations call for the release of detained protesters and the repealing…

Daily News Egypt

Letter by NGO urges UN to address human rights in Egypt

11 rights groups send concerns to the Human Rights Council

Aaron T. Rose