Tag: human rights

UN High Commissioner condemns activists’ sentencing

Verdict fails to meet international fair trial standards, says UN Human Rights…

Daily News Egypt

Seven local NGOs release letter demanding medical treatment for hunger striking detainee

Groups say Egyptian government’s refusal to send Mohamed Soltan to hospital is…

Ali Omar

Amnesty International, Human Rights watch urge Al-Sisi to address ‘rights crisis‘

Statement tells new president not to “ignore worst situation in decades”

Ali Omar

Activist arrested for possession of No to Military Trials pin

Safwan Mohamed was arrested outside the Two Saints Church in Alexandria

Daily News Egypt

Sudan mother facing apostasy death sentence to be freed soon: Official

AFP - A Christian Sudanese woman sentenced to hang for apostasy will…

Daily News Egypt

British PM appalled by ‘barbaric’ Sudanese death sentence

The Christian Sudanese woman, who was sentenced to hang, was incarcerated with…

Daily News Egypt

Turkey beefs up security on protest anniversary

Eight people died and thousands were injured in the heavy-handed police crackdown…

Daily News Egypt

Letter by NGO urges UN to address human rights in Egypt

11 rights groups send concerns to the Human Rights Council

Aaron T. Rose

Human Rights Watch warns of underlying repression marring presidential elections

Rights group says completion of second phase of roadmap fails to signify…

Ali Omar

Amnesty International decries Egyptian human rights violations ahead of elections

Egyptian civil society organisations make 10 demands to the country's next president

Daily News Egypt