Tag: human rights

Rights’ groups demand “virginity tests” case reopened

Claimants resort to African Commission after military courts deny tests occurred

Nouran El-Behairy

Of women and sex

Those in power are too busy to notice the daily atrocities committed…

Rana Allam

Syrian air force bombs Aleppo as UN Security Council convenes

Civilian death-toll continues to rise in Syria while refugee crisis intensifies

Luiz Sanchez

Over a dozen sentenced to death for deadly attack in North Sinai

Jihadists receive what is considered “harsh” sentence for attacks against security in…

Hend Kortam

Vietnam jails three bloggers for ‘anti-state propaganda’

The defendants will have to serve 3-5 years under house arrest after…

Daily News Egypt

Saudis end two-day protest over release of prisoners

Most arrested for political opinions and religious beliefs

Daily News Egypt

Sabra and Shatila, 30 years on

Evidence continues to highlight responsibility and failed intervention

Daily News Egypt

Bahraini policemen to be tried for torture

Interior ministry recruits 500 new police officers

Basil El-Dabh

Protest for sexual harassment victim

Assuit University students hold protest for girl shot dead for standing up…

Rana Muhammad Taha

Confidential list of Syrian war crime suspects handed to UN

Over 20,000 deaths later, independent UN investigators conclude war crimes have been…

Luiz Sanchez