Tag: human rights

International support to Syrian refugees and opposition increases

The number of refugees fleeing Syria rises, host states have sought international…

Rana Muhammad Taha

Bahraini policemen charged with hospital violence

Authorities make some concessions to rights groups but crackdown against opposition continues

Hend Kortam

Gamal Eid: Human rights continue to suffer since revolution

Gamal Eid, the executive director of the Arab Network for Human Rights…

Daily News Egypt

“Abduction: a state’s thuggery”

The No Military Trials movement has decided to begin a campaign to…

Rana Muhammad Taha

PKK abducts Turkish soldiers

Kuridstan workers party kidnapped three off-duty Turkish soldiers, says Diayrbakir governor

Ahmed Khalifa

US praises Bahrain for report, as clampdowns continue

Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry Report: the country is more stable, despite…

Moustafa Ayad

Clinton: Since Mubarak “sectarian violence has increased”

A teacher and Shia facing blasphemy charges are among the recent examples…

Nouran El-Behairy

200,000 Syrians flee Aleppo

An exodus of historic proportions is underway as besieged citizens abandon Syria’s…

Rana Muhammad Taha

Bishop to tell Copts to emigrate

Controversial debates over religious aspects of constitution only further isolate Egypt’s Copts

Connor Molloy

Massive reshuffle underway in the Ministry of Interior

The Egyptian Interior Minister, Mohamed Ibrahim, announces the reassignment of 3,800 police…

Luiz Sanchez