Tag: Ikhwan

1,044 protests in February: Democracy Meter

Protesters included doctors, teachers, security workers and others

AbdelHalim H. AbdAllah

Amnesty International demands civilian trial for Ikhwanweb editor, others

Muslim Brotherhood members face military trial for trying to cross border into…

Aaron T. Rose

Brotherhood’s Salah Sultan detained at airport

Professor of Sharia arrested attempting travel to Sudan

Aaron T. Rose

Morsi: the symbol and the man

The deposed head of state proved an ineffective president, has he found…

Rasheed Hammouda

Watching Egypt crumble

  An acquaintance several weeks ago was in shock, “I got my…

Sara Abou Bakr

Op-ed review: Ikhwan-oriented media and Islamists during the revolution

One columnist addresses the authorities’ control of media apparatus, and the other…

Thoraia Abou Bakr

The popular myth of the ‘unpopular Ikhwan’

By Dr Mohamed A.  Fouad We all know it or seem to…

Daily News Egypt

Seif pharmacies, racism and bringing down the Ikhwan

On Wednesday, Egyptian activists were in a frenzy. One of the most…

Sara Abou Bakr

Brotherhood and FJP members face accusations of torture

New court case accuses Muslim brotherhood and Freedom and Justice Party members…

Luiz Sanchez


Egypt is a country where people operate on myths instead of facts,…

Mahmoud Salem