Tag: IMF

EGX continues sideways movement reflecting market uncertainty

The stock exchange’s main indicator, the EGX30, reflected ongoing instability in the…

Mohamed Salah

Subsidies on prime gasoline to end as IMF delegation leaves

Morsy government set to take steps toward economic reform although a formal…

Daily News Egypt

Rebel economy wrap

The Flaws of Egypt’s Anti-IMF Loan Movement

Daily News Egypt

Civil society groups and political parties march against IMF loan

Groups express concern over the consequences of accepting the IMF loan

Joel Gulhane

Investment and our bipolar administration

Drops of tax “reforms” have been percolating from the cabinet to the…

Mohamed El-Bahrawi

Greek workers stage mass anti-austerity walkout

Many flights were to be cancelled or rescheduled as traffic controllers held…

Daily News Egypt

IMF team back in town

Technical delegation resumes negotiations over loan

Mohamed Salah

Rebel Economy Wrap

Human vs machine, IMF in Cairo, interest payments on Egypt debt

Daily News Egypt

EGX30 closes above resistance level

The standard stock exchange index, EGX 30, ended Monday’s session above the…

Mohamed Salah

Rebel Economy Wrap

Egypt's oil curse - part 2

Daily News Egypt