Tag: Instability

Global spike in death sentences in 2014 largely due to Egypt

End of year report identifies Egypt handed out many sentences though executed…

Emir Nader

Whispers of dissent in Kremlin-ruled Crimea

Ukraine’s government estimates there are 25,000 people in Crimea like Anastasiya who…

Daily News Egypt

Swiss-Listed Orascom warns on profit amid Egyptian instability

Specific factors hitting Orascom include lower capitalisation of financing costs, the devalued…

Daily News Egypt

Getting in the way: politics and doing business in Egypt

“If it bleeds, it leads.” That news industry fundamental is Minister of…

Iris Boutros

Sinai tribes postpone protests due to domestic instability

Federation of tribesmen opposes Ministry of Defence prohibition on private ownership of…

Daily News Egypt

Christmas tourism reservations drop by 50 per cent

Officials attribute drop in tourism to violence and unrest in Cairo

Liliana Mihaila

Twenty-five per cent drop in flight arrivals since December

Airline companies are closely monitoring the results of the referendum

Liliana Mihaila

Morsy’s political crisis

For the past week we have been living in the shadow of…

Fady Salah

Oil pipeline sabotaged in Yemen

Bombing comes amid week of continued chaos

Daily News Egypt