Basic interest rates, future outlook of inflation consistent with our goals: CBE
Egypt’s real GDP growth softened to 5.3% Q3 2018, unemployment rate inched…
Egyptian market expects another interest rate cut on Thursday
Several factors favour cut, others weigh on fixing, final decision is in…
Beltone Financial expects another interest rate cut in next CBE meeting
Increase in inflation readings does not affect our forecast for inflationary pressures…
Yields on Egypt’s T-Bills down by 0.34 – 0.83% after CBE interest-rate cut
Interest rates, accepted by finance ministry, decline on T-Bills of 91-day to…
Video: CBE interest rate cuts in the eyes of Moody’s Egypt’s interest rate cut and easing inflation will support bank revenues,…
Interest rate cut to reduce borrowing costs: Moody’s
Egypt’s key credit challenges, including weak finances, large financing need, and high…
Interest rates reduction decision by CBE is bold, revives investments in all sectors: Beltone
Decision will pave way for new reduction in interest rates in H1…
CBE cuts interest rates by 1%
Overnight deposit rate, overnight lending rate, rate of the main operation at…
CBE to cut interest rate in March: Deutsche Bank
The Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) will cut interest rates next March,…
Property developers calls for state mechanism to provide mortgage finance with interest rate commensurate with citizens’ income
Contractors call for fund with 2% interest rate; critical of state’s entry…