Tag: Iris Boutros

Disappointment, in football and life

The 28 year-old star has been a professional footballer since he was…

Iris Boutros

South Africa’s youth employment bill

In May of 2012, a violent clash erupted between protesters and the…

Iris Boutros

‘Let them eat cake’, part 2

When Gouda Abdel Khalek was Minister of Supply in March of 2012…

Iris Boutros

The difference between Reform and reform

“To better serve farmers.” The goals are a more productive agricultural sector…

Iris Boutros

Meet Reem

Reem is a cleaning lady and a mother of four. She has…

Iris Boutros

Englishman in New York

Would you like this delivered? It was a normal question in Cairo. But in Brooklyn,…

Iris Boutros

Inclusive entrepreneurship

  Gedety was too good to be true. Yasser El Zahhar, its…

Iris Boutros

Will women Rise Up as Egypt’s entrepreneurs?

  Rise Up, Egypt’s first major entrepreneurial summit held in Cairo on…

Iris Boutros

The social businesses to turn Egypt’s black skies blue

It’s that time of year. Black skies over Cairo and all over…

Iris Boutros

Egypt’s veil of ignorance and the social contract

“pply the following test. Recall the face of the poorest and the…

Iris Boutros