Tag: Islam

Iran offers Morsi guidance on building an Islamic state

A letter sent by advisors to Iran’s Grand Ayatollah has offered to…

Joel Gulhane

Egypt and Iran—odd bedfellows?

By Nervana Mahmoud The extraordinary and well-organised funeral procession of the deposed…

Daily News Egypt

Islamic Summit launches in Cairo

Syrian and Palestinian issues dominate the conference's agenda

Ethar Shalaby

Leaving Islam in the age of Islamism

A growing generation of skeptics and atheists is increasingly coming to the…

Daily News Egypt

Women of the Arab Spring, beyond objects and subjects

By Natana DeLong-Bas Boston, Massachusetts – The Arab Spring introduced us to…

Daily News Egypt

Constitutional crisis continues

The draft doesn’t minimise the judiciary or the prosecution’s jurisdiction

Daily News Egypt

Is Turkey immune from radical Salafism?

By Nervana Mahmoud Turkey is a unique Muslim nation with a distinct…

Daily News Egypt

Off with their heads!

A video of Egyptian self-proclaimed cleric Sheikh Saad Arafat went viral on…

Sara Abou Bakr

Ethiopia charges 29 Muslims under anti-terror law

Among the accused was Habiba Mohammed, the wife of the former minister…

Daily News Egypt

The Angry “Liberal”?

In any ideological struggle or clash of discourses original ideas may not…

Mustafa Salama