Tag: journalists

Press syndicate punishes rogue leader

Group rejects proposed constitution

Liliana Mihaila

Mayhem at Press Syndicate

Journalists held an extraordinary general assembly under tense circumstances

Liliana Mihaila

Press Syndicate withdraws from the Constituent Assembly

Syndicate cites restrictions on press and personal freedoms

Liliana Mihaila

The Daily News Egypt talks journalism

The Daily News Egypt staff reflects their personal experiences in journalism

Daily News Egypt

Press Union rejects draft law

Members say law contradicts human rights

Rana Muhammad Taha

Vietnam jails three bloggers for ‘anti-state propaganda’

The defendants will have to serve 3-5 years under house arrest after…

Daily News Egypt

Morsy annuls preventive detention for journalists

Al Dostour Chief Editor to be freed soon, says Morsy's spokesman, Yasser…

Daily News Egypt

Deadline to free captured journalists in Libya expires

Talks to broker release of two captured cameramen have fallen apart

Luiz Sanchez

Safwat Hegazi under fire

Islamic preacher makes news during the president’s Tahrir speech

Rana Muhammad Taha

Turkey’s openness myth challenged by detentions of journalists

Turkey, long considered the Arab ideal, has issues of its own

Ahmed Khalifa