Tag: Justice

The mirage of transitional justice in Egypt

The 25 January Revolution in 2011 and the 30 June uprising in…

Abdallah Al-Moghazy

HRW calls on Al-Sisi to condemn Justice Minister’s calls to incitement

In his first televised interview, Al-Zind advocates killing Muslim Brotherhood members

Daily News Egypt

‘I eulogise justice for you, my dear brother’

Tarek Tito’s letter to his detained brother Mahmoud Mohamed

Daily News Egypt

Trial of 25 public figures over ‘insulting the judiciary’ adjourned to 1 October

Judge lifts travel ban for several defendants, including detained activist Abdel Fattah

Amira El-Fekki

Worries over detained Shawkan’s health, family plan Press Syndicate sit-in

Syndicate head says he will follow up on case of photojournalist detained…

Emir Nader

National Security prosecution unconstitutional: ‘Al-Zawahiri cell’ defence

68 defendants charged with forming, managing terrorist organisation

Yousef Saba

Extra-judicial community justice is increasing sectarian violence: EIPR

Resolving disputes outside of justice system reflects community power structures

Emir Nader

Rights groups concerned of investigations into anti-torture judges

Judges are interrogated under pretence of their participation in workshop organised by…

Nourhan Fahmy

Opposition parties mobilise against Protest Law in online petition

420 prominent politicians and public figures lend signatures demanding Al-Sisi's promise to…

Amira El-Fekki

Coptic coalition demands Maspero killings case reopening

27 Copts were killed in 2011, two Copts and three soldiers were…

Mahmoud Mostafa