Tag: law

Columnists continue dissecting 24 August protests

After anti-Muslim Brotherhood protests gained public and political attention on 24 August,…

Daily News Egypt

Minister Mahsoub proposes new ‘Equal opportunities’ law

Interviewed By Wafaa Abdel Bary What is your mission during your first…

Daily News Egypt

Review: ‘Offending the President’ should not be an offence

After President Morsy’s decision to release chief editor of Al-Dostour newspaper Islam…

Daily News Egypt

The “Be a Man” campaign is launched in the metro

“The female carriage is for women only” posters were plastered everywhere in…

Hend Kortam

Hunger strike in Western Sahara prison

12 Activists enter a 48-hour hunger strike, in response to their detention…

Basil El-Dabh

The women’s carriage is for women only

Activists to stick “the women's carriage is for women only” posters

Hend Kortam

The constitutionality of Morsy’s decision to reverse SCAF’s constitutional decree

Morsy regained presidential powers which the constitutional decree had barred from

Rana Muhammad Taha

Gamal Eid: Human rights continue to suffer since revolution

Gamal Eid, the executive director of the Arab Network for Human Rights…

Daily News Egypt

Tunisian bill set to criminalise ‘values-based offences”

Rights group: "The draft bill would provide prison terms and fines for…

Ahmed Khalifa

UN reports violations of humanitarian law in Aleppo

Observers caution both sides to abide by international humanitarian law

Luiz Sanchez