Tag: Malek Adly

Ill treatment of Malek Adly ordered by top state authorities: lawyers

Campaign supporting prisoners of conscience exposes Adly’s case as symbol of crackdown

Amira El-Fekki

MP questions who is behind orders to deny Malek Adly basic rights inside prison

The lawyer is in poor health, including blood pressure problems and aching…

Daily News Egypt

Malek Adly returns to Tora as detention renewed yet again

Despite a widespread campaign on social media Sunday night hoping Adly would…

Nadine Awadalla

Doctors Syndicate, NCHR request to visit detained lawyer Malek Adly

‘His lawyers are denied visits by prosecution authorities,’ states wife

Amira El-Fekki

Adly, Badr, and Al-Saqa finally allowed time out of prison cells

Journalists Amr Badr and Mahmoud Al-Saqa received detention renewals on Tuesday

Toqa Ezzidin

Rights lawyer Malek Adly’s health reportedly worsening in solitary confinement

Despite the lawyer continuing to suffer inhumane conditions, the court will not…

Daily News Egypt

Malek Adly’s unfiled appeal rejected, detention continues

Adly was brought in for an appeal session on Monday but defence…

Daily News Egypt

Detention of rights lawyer Malek Adly renewed for 15 days

“Despite the inhumane conditions, my soul is still the same,” says Adly in…

Daily News Egypt

Malek Adly files lawsuit to retrieve violated rights

Adly has been placed in solitary confinement since arrest

Daily News Egypt

Calls for immediate release of ‘Red Sea islands’ detainees

Member of NCHR hails verdict as “historical”

Amira El-Fekki