Lawsuit filed to end MOI search for Internet monitoring programs
Statement by rights groups and ‘concerned citizens’ says attempts to monitor web…
Al-Dostour Party supports lawsuit against Protest Law
Proceedings for the lawsuit against controversial law to take place on Tuesday
Demonstrators rally against sexual harassment
Protesters gather outside the Opera House to address sexual assault, gender inequality
Police sergeant killed in Maadi
Ministry of Interior says one of its men was shot in the…
Seven local NGOs release letter demanding medical treatment for hunger striking detainee
Groups say Egyptian government’s refusal to send Mohamed Soltan to hospital is…
Interior ministry arrests student accused of leaking exam answers
Student allegedly used Facebook to transmit answers for matriculation exams
Amnesty International warns of Egyptian authorities’ plans to monitor social media
Human rights watchdog says mass surveillance of social media would "deal a…
Government monitoring of social media ‘will not violate freedoms’: Interior minister
New monitoring system contradicts 2014 constitution, says lawyer Amr Imam
UAE sends military vehicles to help secure presidential elections
Gulf country’s move shows continued support for Egyptian roadmap
Army and police prepare to secure presidential poll
Approximately 181,921 military personnel will coordinate with police to secure this week's…