Tag: Ministry of Interior

Sound bomb explodes in Heliopolis

Another similar device found in area surrounding sound bomb explosion

Daily News Egypt

‘Terrorist cell’ arrested in Alexandria: Ministry of Interior

Statement claims more than a dozen detained in Muslim Brotherhood-linked “militia”

Aaron T. Rose

Four wounded in Nasr City apartment blast

Ministry of Interior says pro-Morsi posters and explosives found in apartment, owner…

Joel Gulhane

Three police officers killed by unidentified gunmen

Prime Minister blames the Brotherhood for spate of attacks on security personnel

Basil El-Dabh

The Anti-Coup Alliance calls for marches to commemorate anniversary of Mubarak’s ouster

The pro-Brotherhood group calls for supporters to reject the “assassination of the…

Ali Omar

Police officer suspended for critical poem: ANHRI

Rights watchdog condemns Ministry of Interior for suppressing freedom of speech

Daily News Egypt

Three dead in Friday clashes

Ministry of Health updates Friday death toll to three, 10 injured

Joel Gulhane

Giza explosions target police checkpoint

Four policemen injured by two homemade explosive devices

Joel Gulhane