Tag: Mohamed El-Bahrawi

Security in times of austerity

If you’ve lived in Egypt long enough, you probably know that the…

Fady Salah

Democracy and the Egyptian experiment

Us Egyptians are proud and our honour reigns supreme. It doesn’t matter…

Fady Salah

Public trust in public servants

Looking at how the presidency chose to deal with last week’s turmoil,…

Fady Salah

A dictator by any other name

As social fissures deepen and clouds of bellicosity darken the skies of…

Fady Salah

The IMF loan in the context of economic reform

The air of ambiguity surrounding Egypt’s receipt of the IMF loan provides…

Mohamed El-Bahrawi

Investment and our bipolar administration

Drops of tax “reforms” have been percolating from the cabinet to the…

Mohamed El-Bahrawi

Towards liberating the energy market

The petroleum ministry is in its final stages of sanctioning the importation…

Mohamed El-Bahrawi

Swimming against the current

The government’s prescription to treat the economic recession we’re currently enduring has…

Mohamed El-Bahrawi