Tag: Mohamed ElBaradei

Ministry of Foreign Affairs responds to ElBaradei’s Tweet of issuing his passport

Ministry of Foreign Affairs responds to ElBaradei’s Tweet of issuing his passport

Daily News Egypt

ElBaradei’s name removed from textbook, Education Ministry insists move not political

Exercise in question was removed a year ago following complaints from students’…

Menan Khater

Alexandria activist released on bail

No charges pressed against him, says ANHRI lawyer

AbdelHalim H. AbdAllah

NSF calls for presidential elections before parliament

Assembly member Sayed Abdel Aal seeks consensus in rebuilding Egypt

Aaron T. Rose

State of the union

As President Morsi walked into Al-Azhar conference hall on the “Night of…

H.A. Hellyer

Mansour appoints 20 new governors

The reshuffle of the regional leaders comes approximately two months after ousted…

Basil El-Dabh

Ban Ki-moon “deeply concerned” by “continuing stalemate” in Egypt

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon calls on Egyptians to “reconsider their current actions…

Basil El-Dabh

UN Secretary General urges ElBaradei to “ensure protection” for all

Ki-Moon also spoke with the foreign ministers of Turkey, Qatar and the…

Daily News Egypt

Ashton to reinforce EU message in Cairo

EU head will stress importance of an inclusive transition process in meetings…

Joel Gulhane

Twitter translates Arabic voices of Egyptian tweeps

Auto-translation service of Egyptian tweets offered by twitter

Daily News Egypt