Doctors’ syndicate to aid families of those killed in Republican Guards clashes
Syndicate claims similar procedures were taken with all other victims of clashes,…
Comatose protester’s family calls for assistance
Mo’awad Adel’s mother sends a legal notice demanding funds for her son…
‘Eye sniper’ sentenced to three years
A CSF officer accused of deliberately targeting protesters' eyes with a shotgun…
“Jika” pronounced dead
Protester shot in the head in downtown clashes officially dead
Clashes continue near Tahrir sit-in
Army erects wall on Qasr Al-Eini as protests continue
Morsy and the roots of dictatorship
The declaration reintroduced Egypt to an era of unchecked power, only this…
Mohamed Mahmoud Street clashes continue as thousands flock to Tahrir
Police still defending French Lycée and AUC, using rocks, tear gas and…
Editor’s letter: The collective shame of a massacre
Why does commemorating the anniversary of Mohamed Mahmoud massacre hurt? It’s a…
Anger over unmet expectations
It was as if the clock had turned back to those fateful…
Calls made for Friday of Rage
Anger towards police aggression in Mohamed Mahmoud Street clashes